


DynaFix Spine is a posterior stabilization system with a full range of multi-axial screws, rods, and corss-links. The self-tapping multi-axial screws provide 40angulation in all directions for intra-operative flexibility.  The system features a low-profile screw design for anatomic adaptability, and a preassembled set screw in a non-threaded locking cap prevents cross-threading. The set also includes a unique cross-links that can be manipulated in angular and medial-lateral directions for accurate placement and reduced dural contact. DynaFix provides convenience and ease of use in surgery, to treat a variety of posterior lumbar conditions with flexibility and simplicity.

- Non-threaded locking cap(Turnbuckle)
- Low profile, top-loading screw design provides appropriate fit
- 40 angulation in all planes
- System design of final locking torque
- Permits decompression and stabilization
- Easy controlling the up-down difference of inner altitude to connect screw to rod
- Volume reduced
- Temporary locking using a turnbuckle

This product is a "Medical device", Please read before use "Caution for use" and "Instructions for use".
Examination number 2013-I10-26-0242


DynaFix Spine System
Multi-Axial Screw 81255~61275 30.0~60.0mm
Turnbuckle 81110
Cross Link 61510 35~55mm
Rod 61120 6.0, 40~400mm